Uncovering the Cause of the Delivery Truck Accident

Discovering what factors came together to cause the accident is critical to seeking a settlement or bringing a successful case against the negligent party. Your attorney can sift through witness testimony, police reports, medical documents, and accident photos, as well as consult accident reconstruction experts. 

With that information in hand, a personal injury lawyer can demonstrate negligence on the part of the driver or another party due to:

  • Drowsy or distracted driving
  • Driving under the influence
  • Illegal parking to save time and offload deliveries more quickly
  • Traffic violations like failing to yield while merging or running red lights
  • Logbook violations when drivers work longer than allowed
  • Improper hiring of inexperienced or unqualified drivers
  • Failing to properly train delivery truck drivers
  • Lax maintenance schedules or ignoring faulty parts in need of repair


Kevin W. Mottley
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Richmond, VA trial lawyer dedicated to handling brain injuries, car accidents and other serious injury claims
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