We Can Guide You on the Right Time to Settle a TBI Case

There is one crucial element of the financial recovery process you need to keep firmly in mind before agreeing to a settlement. Once you’ve settled, there will be no further compensation forthcoming from that source.

That fact remains true even if you end up needing additional surgeries in the future or your condition worsens and you suddenly can’t go to work. Obviously, that may cause a serious financial problem if a complication from your traumatic brain injury only becomes apparent after you’ve already recovered damages.

An attorney is needed to ensure either the insurance adjuster or a jury in a personal injury lawsuit are aware of the full extent of your damages. That compensation will likely include standard issues like the cost of a hospital stay after the accident, or lost wages for missed days at work. Non-economic damages may also play a role, covering suffering, pain, and lost quality of life. 

Those types of damages are all focused on problems that have already occurred, however. You also have to take into account what you will need in the months and years ahead. Your compensation may need to additionally cover elements like:

  • Future medical costs if your physician thinks additional treatment may be required down the line, such as new surgeries.
  • Language, occupational, or physical therapies for dealing with new challenges brought on by the traumatic brain injury.
  • Lost future earning potential, which may be crucial if you can’t go back to work at all or have to find a new job with reduced responsibilities.


Kevin W. Mottley
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Richmond, VA trial lawyer dedicated to handling brain injuries, car accidents and other serious injury claims
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