How Cargo Spills Happen in Virginia Truck Accidents

Truckers are required to perform safety checks before hitting the road. Unfortunately, these important steps are frequently glossed over or ignored entirely. Truck drivers are often paid by the mile rather than the hour, which means there is little incentive to complete these necessary inspections.

There are additionally times when cargo-hauling companies don’t correctly train drivers in inspection procedures. Problems can also occur at a different point in the process, like if a third-party loading crew doesn’t perform its duties properly. Truck spill accidents in Virginia are often caused by:

  • Cargo that isn’t balanced or secured properly
  • Defective parts or mechanical problems caused by a lack of maintenance
  • Leaking or improperly closed valves
  • Jackknifing or a rollover caused by driver error 
  • Other driver negligence such as distracted or tired driving, speeding, DUI, etc. 
  • Too much weight placed on the vehicle by overloading cargo

Protecting Your Legal Rights After a Cargo Spill Injury

Depending on the type of cargo any given truck is hauling, there is an extremely wide range of possible injuries in a collision. Skin burns, lung problems, vision issues, or even cancer can be caused by hazardous materials in addition to typical accident injuries like broken bones or traumatic brain injuries.  

Dealing with the physical repercussions of a truck crash is difficult enough, but many victims aren’t prepared for the financially devastating aftermath. Medical costs are often astronomical in these types of accidents, and many people injured by a truck crash can’t return to work after the collision. 

Suffering injuries in a cargo spill doesn’t have to ruin your financial future, however. You have a legal right to seek compensation for property damage to your vehicle, medical bills from hospital stays and physical therapy, wages lost during the recovery process, as well as non-economic damages like emotional suffering.  

Whether you end up getting a settlement from insurance or taking the negligent party to court, you’ll need an attorney to investigate the circumstances around the crash and determine who is specifically liable for your damages. The at-fault party could be:

  • The manufacturer of a defective part
  • Loading crews
  • Negligent mechanics
  • The driver
  • The trucking company that hired the driver 
  • Someone else on the road who caused the truck to crash


Kevin W. Mottley
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Richmond, VA trial lawyer dedicated to handling brain injuries, car accidents and other serious injury claims
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